Options and Insurance in Public Policy
Over the last fifty years,
there has developed a quantitative theory of finance and financial engineering
that has implications for how we think and teach in planning. In particular,
options and insurance may be understood in practical terms when we think about
projects, cost-benefit analysis, and so-called big infrastructure.
Option theory originally developed
when it was noticed that securities’ prices seemed to move randomly from day to
day. Such a “random walk” may be effectively modeled by thinking of those
prices moving diffusively, moving as the square-root of time (rather than
linearly, as we think of a velocity,) so that distance is proportional not to
time but to the square-root of time. Diffusion is well understood by
physicists, and its earliest formulation in terms of molecular motions and
collisions is due to Einstein and Smoluchowski. A securities option is a chance to buy a
security at a certain price in a particular future time, and since we have a
rough sense of how prices move (diffusively!), we can figure out what to pay
for such an option: the so-called Black-Scholes formula. (Prices might move up
or down, by the way.)
More generally, the theory of
real options, for goods and for prices that might move in other ways for other
kinds of goods, suggests that we might pay now for the chance to buy something
in the future. So, if we are concerned about getting to work on time, we might
be willing to pay extra for the HOV lane not only when we use it, and perhaps
for our car being equipped with a suitable sensor, but we might be supportive
of its being built even if we expect to use if rarely (to have that
option)—especially if many people are willing to pay for such an option. The
same might be true for transit, so if many people might want to have that
choice of option in the future, if the roads break down or their vehicle is
unserviceable, they might be willing to pay a very small amount now or perhaps
daily so that such a transit system would be available to them. Hence when we
compute benefits of such a projects, we might well include option values of the
many rare-users who would appreciate such an option in the future. Similarly,
if it were the case that pharmaceutical companies would only develop a
medication if they could charge a great deal for it, those of us who are not
ill might be willing to pay for its availability some time in the future by
allowing such a high price (likely paid by insurance companies) for currently
ill patients.
Such an option benefit makes
sense if many non-users wish to have that option and are willing to pay (a
small amount) for its being available when they need it. If the non-users are
100 times the number of the users, and they are willing to pay 1/1000 of its
entry fee or ticket, say every week, it might turn out that the benefits from
the option are as large as the benefits from the actual users. Would you pay a
penny a week to be sure you could get to work when your car breaks down?
In effect, innovations in
medicine or technology might provide insurance benefits. So, when a new
procedure or medication is developed, we know that we are covered by such a possibility
even if we are very unlikely to actually need it in the next decade, say. From the insurer’s point of view, a disease
(that might affect one of its insureds), one that might cost a great deal to be
managed, might well be readily controlled by an expensive medication--in
effect, long-term risk is mitigated for the insurer were they willing to pay
for the medication when it first appears.
When we learn to think in time
in planning, usually we think in terms of a discount rate. But option value might
well be an enormous benefit. Of course, the actual numbers are specific to each
Darius Lakdawalla, Anup Malani, Julian Reif, “The insurance value of medical innovation,” Journal of Public Economics 145 (January 2017), 94-102.
Julia Thornton Snider, John A. Romley, William B
Vogt, and Tomas J. Philipson, “The Option Value of Innovation,” Forum for Health Economics & Policy,
15:2 (2012) Article 5.
Redfearn, C. on Luxury to be added
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