What I Have Learned. And, What I Want to Learn. (with added content)

1. Flow and Change in decisionmaking, conversion, uncertainty. Riding uncertainty--acting first and then analyzing and thinking.

2. Multiplicity, as in a phenomenological account of experience as "an identity in a manifold presentation of profiles," or as in tomography, or as in documentation as tomography in photographing or aural recording.

3. The Mathematics in Modeling, where in using some sort of mathematical (or physical or biological...) model of societal phenomena, one is building up a picture of the world that is of course much influenced by the stuff built into the mathematics or the physics...  We are surely aware of some of what is built in, but what fascinates me is what we are less aware of--whether it be philosophical, as is continuity in the use of calculus, or quite technical as the Ising model of ferromagnetism which in the end builds in all sorts of scaling symmetry. Our tools-to-think-with are laden with their origins and uses.

4. The  Scholarly Life  in actuality. I have made every mistake described in my blogs and books, or perhaps only 85% of them. But I have attended to my more savvy colleagues. One must not only do good work, or spectacular work, but pay attention to your audiences, publicize and socialize, and be clear about your achievements in such a way that they are manifest to all. Your success is something like the Sum (your articles/books times k), where k is a measure of eclat, maybe k~2 or more.

5. Design as a transcendent idea.

6. More about uncertainty: act then analyze, teams and leadership matter, procedural knowledge is vital (wayfinding, local awareness, things are often changeable at the ground level but you only discover that if you are at that level).  Hope and faith allow one to make moves that would be otherwise uninsurable hazards--and what you wish is that you will discover possibilities in the actuality of what you are confronted with, such possibilities, which you may create out of nothing, warrant your hope and faith, yet those possibilities are not at all imagined by those who are selling insurance. It is not that hope and faith are irrational. Rather you have been recurrently inventive and discovering, and you also know that the actuaries and odds makers have no conception of such invention and discovery.  

What I might learn:
1. There is some mathematics that would be nice to know. I am not sure if that knowledge would pay off, but I never know ahead of time.
2. Likely there will be new phenomena that ought be documented, photographed or aural-recorded. Maybe take on portraits in context of ?


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