On My Mind IX
Narrative and Acting My life and work are at best executive summaries. I cannot tell a long story, or keep one in mind. I do not have a novel in me. Nor have I acted in theater, albeit I am acting a role in life taking advantage of my well-recognized peculiarities, sometimes consciously so, to get on with life and getting along with people and the world. I am idiosyncratic, sometimes violating conventional rules (without quite appreciating the extent of my violation)—or so I am told. My North Star is internal, albeit I am sure it is much directed by the world’s expectations and norms. I am foolish but not reckless, idiosyncratic but not beyond the pale. In the end, I am quite ordinary, if smart and cute and adorable and handsome, so it is said to me, too much by a half. As for narrative, there is dialog and a story and an art. I m...